Partalliance ©
Prior to launching any innovative agro-industrial development project, we now intend to reflect on the purpose we wish to assign to the project in question. Next, we determine the values and principles from which the concept will be developed and which will ensure the best chances of success.
All of this is what we call the Partalliance approach, with its 10 GOLDEN rules, which is what gives it its strength and innovative character. Partalliance takes a new approach to certain aspects of that great reference system we call Capitalism and is aimed at giving it a more human, sustainable face, less dependent on the world of money. This is about new rules of co-development which will endow agro-industrial projects with a new-found vibrancy. We summarize the approach as follows:
1 – Cease creating broad development plans on a country scale and instead think in terms of region, valley or large agricultural holdings. Future structures will be developed based on a precise geographical entity with its own specificities of climate, ecosystem, type of population, economy, communication methods, etc.
2- Design economic concepts which contribute as much as possible to the food or industrial self-sufficiency of the geographical entity in which the project will be developed, in order to break free from dependence on international prices and agricultural or industrial commodity traders.
3- Integrate all manufacturing phases into a single program by working using a networked approach, from the plant to the finished product. This enables margins to be fully retained at each stage, thereby ensuring the profitability of the entire project: an end to the looting of countries through the mining of their raw materials or the production of cereals, exported and transformed in another exploitative country.
4- Produce the energy required for factories and villages locally through methanation of new plants such as biomass SORGHUM. Through cogeneration, this provides heat or electricity, or methane gas directly. We also propose obtaining heating or cooling through combustion of plant waste, which will reduce imports of oil and/or put a halt to deforestation.
5- Implement all requirements of Ethical Sustainable Development by bringing the project in line with the new ISO 26 000 standards which have just been ratified by 144 countries around the world.
6- Put human aspects once again at the heart of any arrangement or concept, for example by not managing in large hacienda structures, but dividing the total holding into several small 40 to 50 Ha farms and entrusting them under a share-cropping arrangement to hundreds of small farmers who will use family labor and avail of micro-credits.
7- Ensure regeneration of soil by fallowing at least every three years. A halt must be put to monoculture such as corn which requires continuous irrigation, sugar cane which transforms land into desert and transgenic soya. Alternate crops must instead be rotated, including nitrogen rich crops, crops which will be ploughed in to create humus, and others with shallow roots alternated with deep-rooted plants which will form micro-galleries, promoting penetration of water and the presence of microbial organisms and earthworms.
8- Slow down the race towards mechanization and return to manual labor to secure work for future generations
9- Do not use GMO seeds
10 – Make the most of the programs by trading the large quantities of carbon credits that such arrangements will generate.